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Gordon Research Seminar — Environmental Endocrine Disruptors

2nd June 2018 - 3rd June 2018
Les Diablerets, Switzerland


The Gordon Research Seminar on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas. The focus of this meeting is to expand the scope of interest beyond commonly-assessed EDCs and health endpoints. The meeting will highlight cutting-edge techniques to identify emerging contaminants and environmental mixtures and will focus on novel health and ecological outcomes related to EDC exposure. The integration of emerging analytical techniques with existing data streams, including epidemiological, wildlife, laboratory animal, and in vitro, will better enable the field to identify EDCs in a wider array of environmental matrices. This will serve to further our understanding of exposure routes and allow for diversification in both chemical and endpoints examined. Participants and presentations at this meeting will foster a transdisciplinary environment that will expand the field of study and encourage novel research. Additionally, the mentoring component will highlight the diversity of career paths available for those interested in EDCs, with the goal to broaden not just research aims, but also career aspirations.

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